Why hiring an interior designer is worth every penny.

You’ve probably dabbled with the idea. Craved the idea, even.

But when push comes to shove, the idea of booking that ‘Discovery Call’ and diving into the (potentially expensive) depths of the unknown is a little scary.

Right? Not the first time we’ve heard it.

If you’re carting around a design board and a heavily loaded Pinterest but you’re unable to make it come together, interior designers might just be for you - and they’re less intimidating than they seem.

Here’s what they can do to make your dream home go from just a glimmer in your mind to a fully-fledged project in front of your eyes.

1. Interior designers create a clear and cohesive plan.

We know you’ve wandered up and down the home deco aisles, looking for the perfect pieces, but an interior designer knows how to get your home ship-shape and coordinated (at trade price, might we add!) in a fraction of the time.

2. They keep you within budget - and reason.

Professionally trained interior designers have spent years developing project timelines, budgets and industry relationships that help keep their clients’ needs in tact. When managing a DIY design project, it is easy to overspend on one particular area, or create costly mistakes that could easily be avoided under the guidance of an experienced professional.

3. They create functional and beautiful spaces

Often when we’re searching on Pinterest, it comes down to aesthetics. However, an experienced interior designer understands that a well-thought out home will improve your day to day living, creating easy and functional touches for you and your family to enjoy.

4. Do it once, do it well.

Are you looking to just get it right, once and for all? Doing it yourself means you take on a lot of risk and responsibility, particularly if you’re not experienced in that arena. When dealing with an interior designer, they’re able to create a step by step, budgeted and functional plan that eliminates stress.

Are you looking to create the home of your dreams? Book a free Discovery Call with Angie Rogers Interiors here!


Frequently asked questions

  • Great question! One of the first things we discuss is your budget, to ensure we are spending wisely and appropriately with your best interest in mind. This also makes sure you don’t fall in love with something you can’t afford. Secondly, we ask the client to complete a detailed questionnaire and homework to form a Pinterest board of images, pinpointing subconscious preferences or recurring design elements they may be drawn to. We design a 3D model to figure out the functionality of the space and get the layout and flow right before we start adding furniture. This also creates a visual tool to be able to 'show' rather than just 'tell' what their space will look like. From there, we move through your customised project in a timely manner and agreed timeframe.

  • At Angie Rogers Interiors, our mission is to make you feel seen, heard and understood. We are the best listeners in the game - we aren’t going to give you a cookie cutter design. If you are someone who is willing and open to being guided by an expert in your project, reducing your overwhelm, and creating a clear, easy to understand strategy - we are the people for you!


When is the best time to engage an interior designer?